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Autumn 2024

 What’s Inside:

LA Metro Magazine - Autumn 2024 Cover
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Autumn 2024

 What’s Inside:

LA Metro Magazine - Autumn 2024 Cover

Pros Who Know:

Faces of LA:

PROS WHO KNOW - LA Metro Magazine

DIRIGO RMS - Risk  Management Solutions


Abbe Chabot, Manager

At Dirigo Risk Management Solutions, our mission is rooted in a deep love for people and a commitment to helping them. As the “little sister” of Maine’s largest police training company, Dirigo Safety, LLC, we aim to take the best knowledge, skills, and practices of law enforcement and translate those assets to help train the public on how to safely navigate their professional and private lives. Our course catalogue includes a variety of trainings in conflict resolution, leadership development, emergency preparedness planning, and more.

Our Violent Threat Response training is a comprehensive program developed after months of meticulous research. It leverages carefully collected statistics and situational awareness concepts to prepare individuals for the worst. This and all of our trainings are neurodiverse, trauma-informed, and designed to unite communities and resources to survive the unfortunate increasing trend of mass violence incidents.

Our team, primarily comprised of retired law enforcement officers, are compassionate advocates for safe communities and empowered citizens. Each training session renews our sense of fulfillment as we contribute

positively to strengthening others and our communities.

On October 25th, 2023, Maine experienced its worst day—a senseless and tragic event that, even a year later, is difficult to comprehend. This day highlighted many issues within our culture, but it also showcased the bravery and quick thinking of Maine citizens who became heroes that night, making life-saving decisions in the face of danger. From afar, we watched law enforcement and first responders rushing to the scenes to stop the violence, and their bravery and dedication made us incredibly proud of Maine law enforcement. We will always honor and remember the victims of that night.

This tragic event has only strengthened our resolve at Dirigo Risk Management Solutions. It has reinforced our commitment to our work, and we are more determined than ever. By continuing to collaborate with law enforcement and the public, we can better prepare for the next inevitable and senseless act of violence. Preparation and preplanning are our best tools, and it is an honor for us at Dirigo RMS to be part of the solution.

Abbe Chabot - Manager Dirigo RMS


ABBE CHABOT is the Director of Dirigo Risk Management Solutions in Auburn, Maine. Prior to joining Dirigo, Abbe was a Maine State Trooper and a longtime major crimes investigator of homicide and violent crimes. She was also a K9 handler, academy instructor, and forensic interviewer. She lives in Greene, Maine, with her husband and three dogs. She feels most lucky to have the chance to have two careers that fulfill her passion for public service.