Muddy Toes Pottery

Tiffany Tripp - Muddy Toes Pottery - New Gloucester MaineTiffany Tripp was raised in Gray, Maine. She married her high school sweetheart in 1987 and, over the next 27 years, devoted her time to raising their three sons and one daughter on the muddy clay banks of the Royal River in New Gloucester. It was here, together, they spent time gardening, canning, making maple syrup, snowmobiling, and camping. Being outdoors was a large part of raising their children. She was a caregiver for the elderly, volunteered as a youth leader at her local church, and even chaperoned a mission trip to Mexico.   

With her children grown and no more “Muddy Toes” to wash, she accepted a friend’s invitation to attend pottery classes. Unsure of how much she would enjoy it, she soon realized that it allowed her to be creative, let the clay go wherever she formed it, and find herself immersed in all that she did, whether on the wheel or slab building.

As she delved deeper into the world of pottery, Tiffany was captivated by the therapeutic nature of the process. She soon found herself with more pottery than she could use, and with no desire to stop, she had to find an outlet for her work, and hence, “Muddy Toes Pottery” was born…

Since then, Tiffany has been blessed with many grandchildren and has grown and expanded her business over the past 10 years. With each new piece, she creatively comes up with new ideas, adding to the success of ‘Muddy Toes Pottery.’ Today, you can purchase her functional pottery at various retail locations from her hometown in New Gloucester, to other towns in central Maine, a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit and artistic talent.

To view more of Tiffany’s work visit her gift shop at:
309 Cobbs Bridge Rd. New Gloucester
FB: @MuddyToesPottery

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